Sunday, January 11, 2009

Not Boring

I am loving The Pierces, a set of Alabama singers that will make your heart swoon and feel all syrupy while listening to them... They themselves are a fairytale madness and are as poetic in their words on their MySpace page, as they are in their music. When asked what they wanted in the sound of their music they said, and I quote from their MySpace page, "...they wanted it to sound like a fever induced, gypsy dream that you have after drinking too much red wine while listening to a cabaret singer in a southern speakeasy that is run by witches…"

Check out their song Secret

I also love their song Boring, it has a very James Bond feel mixed with their Speakeasy drunken splendor...

1 comment:

chinadoll said...

Reminding me of Tori Amos. Just a little?

Title photo by Nick Gordon