Friday, April 29, 2005

Thirty-One and Fabulous

Wow! What a Birthday! On April 27th I rang in another year… and the day turned out to be delightful. What made it so delightful is that it just came on like any other day… now for those of you that really know me, you know how I am about Birthdays…I’m a planner and will tell people months in advance, I will go on and on, I will announce to all around that “Today is my Birthday.” And this year that Birthday drama calmed down to a notch of about a five… This was the first Birthday in eons that I didn’t have a ‘Birthday Outfit,’ didn’t have Birthday plans, didn’t stress about not having Birthday plans, didn’t go out for a Birthday dinner, but instead ate a mini frozen pizza and didn’t cry because I was eating frozen pizza, damn I didn’t cry at all!

So what did I do? I had some coffee, got a manicure, squeezed Honey and then my friend Katy and I went to this fabulous show, part of the 2005 Chicago Improv Festival. We saw Sirens, an all women improv troupe, and they RAWKED! Check them out: Then came the headliner Mo Collins of Mad TV fame, (yes Stuart’s Mother.) Mo did a one-woman show, Mo Vs. Mo. And oh my God, she’s awesome! She’s 39 and looks like she’s 25 and is so talented and funny, I was in awe…

And to top it all off on our walk home I fell in love. I didn’t catch her name, but wow was she cute! Super happy, lovable and oh so furry! This darling was the product of a love affair between a Pug and a Beagle, they call her a Pugle. Isn’t that the cutest!? I had never heard of such a thing, but Hello, new favorite dog! I can’t wait to get a Pugle of my own and call her Chicken.

Thank you to all of you for your B-day wishes, calls, cards and gifts. You people Rawk.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

My Twitch is My Bitch

Thank you to all THREE of you, wait TWO actually, that participated in my movie quiz. Wowee either I'm a loser and no one reads my blog, or I'm super keen on the movie quotes that I just plain stumped everyone! Yeah, for my ego, I'm going with the second explanation.

So as I type this my lower right lid is twitchin' like a bitchin'.....
It's been going on now for about five days. That, combined with my head trauma, intense headaches, I'm convinced I have something deadly...a brain tumor, nerve damage, lung cancer, a sprained ankle? I AM getting old. So I did a web search for lower lid twitchin' to find out what disease I have and the majority of the info. I found says a twitch is from high caffeine intake, stress and lack of sleep... so I'm thinking which is it? I sleep like my fuzzy, lovey cat, you know peaceful and super cute? I'm no more stressed that normal and I drink coffee like a hot gay man does tricks.... hmm I just made up that little analogy, it doesn’t really jive...Basically I drink at least one major fav coffee from the Bou, or The Bucks a day and I make a pot of coffee a day too, and my other liquid intake is sometimes straight up Coke...and then there's my bitch chocolate.... anyway the web suggested going off of all caffeine intake for about two weeks.... so, drum roll please? I have decided to befriend my twitch.

OH MY GOD I AM getting old. I just wrote a whole paragraph about my health.

Well in other news...I interviewed for an editor's job for three magazine's based in women's fashion and beauty.... right up my alley! While the interview seemed to go really well I don’t think I will get an offer because I had a question about scheduling... the hours are 8:30-6, no exceptions, EVER, period. Well I asked, in the event I do a play, that if, once in a blue moon, I need to leave early was it okay to forgo lunch to skip out early and the interviewer was like "ABSOLUTELY NOT!"

So my thought is, is it too much too ask for a little understanding? Well It's okay because while the job sounds pretty the word on the street is not so good, and also it's Tuesday at 1:00pm and I'm still in my PJ's contemplating if I should put on my walking shows for a quick jaunt around the city, or my rollerblades to go down by the lake, read magazines and stare at the buggers-boos at the dog park...decisions, decisions.....

Honey says MEOW

Friday, April 08, 2005

Name That Movie!

Good Day Readers!

I realize that I haven't fully introduced myself, I say this because of some of the crazy and funny and odd and super nice and super not nice comments I have received. One person asked me to share more about my experiences as an improviser and actress, another berated me for my blog about last November's election. Not familiar? Well I stated that I was going to be basing my vote on a favorite celebrity’s vote. I was poking fun, being hugely sarcastic. This person didn't get the joke.

So there's the first thing about me to know, I'm sarcastic! I can also be really bitchy for the sake of making myself laugh. Without getting all deep to why I'm like this, that's for the therapist, instead, for now, I have decided to share a bit more about my likes and dislikes!

I will start with a like: The cinema! Movies are one of my favorite escapes from Jolene's World, which, let me tell you can get too be really too much. So I give you, my faithful readers, a movie quiz to celebrate this like! See how many you can get correct! Get 'em all and I'll give you a treat!

Following are movies quotes, now...

1. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father now prepare to die.

2. Ah Chloe. Chloe looks like what I'd imagine Meryl Streep's skeleton would look like if you dressed it up, made it smile and be nice to people at a party.

3. So much time, so little to do. Wait, strike that, reverse it.

4. PC load letter? WTF does that mean?

5. Oh I don’t eat shellfish, Mom always said don’t eat anything that carries it's house around with it cuz you never know when the last time it's been cleaned.

6. This is my adopted daughter, Margo

7. Like I give a shit, they all want me as a friend or a f***, I’m worshipped at Westerberg and I’m only a junior.

8. I told you, my mother’s mother’s mother’s great aunt was black, therefore I’m black, color is a state of mind.

9. So you agree, you think you’re really pretty?

10. Oh I think Diamonds are simply divine on women over 40.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Furry Happiness

Oftentimes my sweet Honey will come up to me and purr and gesture for a snuggle and a belly rub, and of course I oblige.... and it's moments like this that I just squeeze her cute little face and understand how Lenny accidentally killed that rabbit....

Ooooh okay I'm done being Psycho. Miss Beautiful Honey-Buns says MEOW! The two of us really have nothing profound, or SARCASTIC, or stupid or egoistical to say, at this time!!!! Wait yes we always have something egotistical to say...

JOLENE: Hi Honey you're looking mighty beautiful and perfect today.

HONEY: Jolene! So are you and gee your hair is really pretty.

J: I know right? Oh miss Honey I do say your chubby belly is the cutest thing and I don’t agree with all our visitors. You are NOT fat, if anything you could stand to gain a few pounds!

H: I agree! Is that the dinner bell I hear?

J: You know it.

H: Hey while were in the kitchen I think you should indulge in more chocolate cuz you're looking sickly skinny yourself....

J: Oh stop! Okay maybe one or two mini-reeses......gee Miss Honey you're not only perfectly gorgeous, but you're smart to boot.

H: I know right? So ah, about that food...

OH MY GOOD LORD! It's 4:00am, I promise I will be a better blogger when I have more sleep.
Title photo by Nick Gordon