Thursday, March 10, 2005

Mark Smith, of WI, Should Be Shot

Sometimes, okay often, I wonder if we humans are really that advanced after all.... this Mark Smith Man from Wisconsin thinks it should be legal to kill housecats as a form of hunting. He came up with this idea, legitimately. He is not kidding.

The story is posted below. I cannot foresee a law like this would actually pass, yet it is up for consideration. Lord help us.

(Here Honey, want to take a trip to Wisconsin?)
LA CROSSE, Wis. - A Wisconsin firefighter has suggested changing state laws so it would be legal for licensed hunters to go after housecats.
Mark Smith of La Crosse said he wants to make free-roaming domestic cats an unprotected species. That would allow anyone with a small-game license to shoot them.
"I mean it's just trying to protect some native songbirds and a lot of other wildlife," Smith said. "Whether it's baby ducks, baby turkeys, smaller rabbits, small squirrels, or a whole host of other wildlife."
Hunters will vote on the proposal next month. The outcome of that vote would go to state lawmakers as a recommendation.

I propose a law that Minnesotas can kill stupid men from Wisconsin, wait that sort of happened already.....oops.


Anonymous said...

There is another side to this

Anonymous said...

Actually, its already legal to kill cats in Minnesota, Jolene. So enough bashing of the neighbors to your North.

Jolene Turner said...

Wait did I say it wasn't legal in MN? Hmm don't remember that...well anyway yes it is legal to kill cats in Minnesota, but NOT housecats, a comment from your article states:

"But that doesn't mean it's open season on all cats. We're talking wild or feral cats -- cats that essentially live on their own with little or no human contact."

Mark Smith is actually proposing the legality of the right to hunt HOUSEcats...

That's just mean.

Jolene Turner said...

Wait did I say it wasn't legal in MN? Hmm don't remember that...well anyway yes it is legal to kill cats in Minnesota, but NOT housecats, a comment from your article states:

"But that doesn't mean it's open season on all cats. We're talking wild or feral cats -- cats that essentially live on their own with little or no human contact."

Mark Smith is actually proposing the legality of the right to hunt HOUSEcats...

That's just mean.

Title photo by Nick Gordon