Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Sad and Wrong

In watching the news there are numerous things that are obviously just so sad and so wrong, for example I think starving a woman to death is NOT a humane way to die....

And in other news there are things I hear that are just so Sad and Wrong as well, not just the stories, but in how they are being reported. So give me my time to bitch please.

I will start with wrong.

Last night in the wee hours of the morning I was watching the national news channel on ABC and as they were covering the Red Lake Teen murders in Minnesota the station said they had no news themselves but had coverage from the Minneapolis station KSTP, so they plugged that in to cover the story. Incidentally I was brought back to watching Cindy Brocato and some other chump from Minneapolis covering the story and I couldn't believe what this chump referred these murders as: "Minnesota's own Columbine."

Um I found that disturbing. Anyone agree? In other words, "Yes! We got one! A major massacre to put Minnesota on the map!" I think this news anchor was even slightly salivating over getting to cover this local story. I could see the glimmer of "national pick-up" in his eyes.

Now onto sad, not that the murders in themselves weren't sad, indeed they were, but and forgive me if I seem to putting my worries in the wrong basket but it's stories like this next one that just kills me. Today the local station here covered a story of a pitbull found, alive and badly beaten in a dumpster. The dog has lacerations on his head and body. Thank God someone found him and rescued him, he is now getting medical attention and animal control is investigating the issue. They believe the dog was used as bait in a dog fighting ring, which is huge here in Chicago. UGH! This shit pisses me off so much, I could scream.....

This story aslo brings up an issue I woud like to talk about and that is Pitbulls. Many people see Pitbulls as vicious and as killers, but this is WRONG.

Pitbulls are NOT vicious killers as so many believe. If they are raised like that yes they can be, but if they are let alone to be themselves, or if they are raised like any other lovable animal companion pitbulls will be amazing, loving pets, gentle and loyal.

Interesting PitBull facts:
* Petey of The Little Rascals was a Pitbull
* Helen Keller owned a PitBull (and yes I feel bad about my joke)
* The pittbull was the number one family dog of the first part of the 20tth century.

The reason why these dogs are being bred to be killers is because of the same qaulities that make them wonderful, loving pets: intelligence, great trainability and loyalty.

For more info on pitbulls I urge you to check out the following website, there is a ton of great info and some really wonderful photos of people way way way back when with there beloved Pitbulls (warning there are some graphic photos as well)


Anonymous said...

i agree w/ you on the pitbull stuff, no one gets more upset than I do about dog cruelty...but looking over your post, it seems weird that the majority of it covers the cruelty done to a pitbull that lived and no real mention of real people who died in MN. just a thought. that's the whole Schiavo deal: we just don't care much for human life.

Jolene Turner said...

Anonymous, who are you?
I did mention that my worries may be in the 'wrong basket' and commented that I didn't say much about the victims of the deaths in MN. It does not mean I lack respect for human life... I care deeply indeed, but I feel us humans should use our brains more often than we do.....The person that did those murders was lost and uneducated and obvioulsy unloved..... it's our duty to prevent this stuff from happening as the 'smarter race.' My concern for animals is that us humans tend to take advantage of whatever we want and do whatever we want with no concern for anything.... animals are not as smart as us to take care of themselves....not sure if any of this is making sense? It's late...I just get frustrated with the constant murdering of humans by humans when we should all know better...but we're soooooo ridiculously arrogant and ignorant to realize any of this.... I guess we all have our battles and animals have brought nothing but joy to my life and I have never witnessed or heard of another animal being cruel for the sake of being cruel, so I'm happy to spread the word about takign care of these dogs and any other animal for that matter.....

Anonymous said...

Correction: I didn't mean to imply that you had no respect for human life. I had been thinking a/b how modern America doesn't have a true respect for life, human or animal lifeforms. And I had Easter on the brain...had just seen a crucifixion clip from the Passion & was thinking a/b sacrifice, and how we don't even see the cow that died for a Whopper (again, not taking a stand against animals for food here...just thinking out loud) much less do we really "get" that Someone died for us, that he really suffered and was killed. Sorry if I offended.

Jolene Turner said...

You didn't offend, I just wanted to clarify myself. Besides I appreciate being challenged. I'm curious though, who is this?

Anonymous said...

Who said you liked to be challanged?

Anonymous said...

Oh the last anonymous was Darren. Not to be confused with the first anonymous.

Title photo by Nick Gordon