Thursday, June 02, 2005


Hey all! Happy belated Memorial Day and with that I get to finally use my new white purse....woo-hoo!

Today I was walking down the street and I saw a cute T-shirt that reminded me of myself….it was a picture of a cartoony girl and underneath her head was the phrase, “Cute But Psycho.” I immediately related. And if I were not me, but was my friend I would have bought that T-shirt for myself, as a present.

Well actually no I wouldn’t have because if I really knew me I’d know that I’d take it to heart and be offended and I wouldn’t want to offend myself. Unless of course I was aware that my hormones were okay on the particular day, then I’d give it to myself because I’d know that I would laugh my ass off to receive such a funny T-shirt…..however I’m not sure if it would be a frivolous purchase as I’m not sure my friend would wear the T-shirt. It is awfully silly and T-‘s with little cutesy phrases bug the hell out of me. Unless if they are pictures of cats with cute phrases like “I’m not a waitress.” Ha-ha because I AM a waitress! Okay I’m going to go pop my meds and get this blog back on track!

YAY! Okay everyone, if you did not know this already, June is ADOPT-A-CAT Month!!!!!!!! With the onset of horny cats everywhere and the nicer weather, stray kitties are coming out of the woodwork and they need your love and support and attention! If you do not have a feline, I urge you to think about it and if it seems like you are ready for the responsibility, and it is a responsibility, then please go to your local shelter and find a feline that suits your personality.

Trust me when I tell you your heart will feel all happy every time your cat gives you a loving lick on your armpit and jumps up on your lap for an afternoon snuggle. Cats have the rep for being aloof and in control, but they are indeed smart and when it comes down to it they know that if it wasn’t for their perfect human companion their life could possibly be shit. They will be forever grateful and you will have a new loving family member, but I must stress again, THIS IS A RESPONSIBILITY. Nothing infuriates me more than when I’m looking at the kitties at my local PetSmart and the number one reason these cats are given up by their owners is “New apartment doesn’t allow cat.”
UM HELLO then Do NOT live there! I’m constantly floored by how people seem to treat animals as disposable objects…. These little bugger-boos think we are their Gods and Goddess, if we take on that role, (this happens whether we like it or not) then we MUST step up to the plate and keep our word to these innocent beings.

Okay I’m done with my rant. Thank you for listening! For more info on June’s Adopt-a Cat-Month please check out the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal) website

One more thing, if you’re not a cat person, don’t forget that there are the pooches yearning for love as well. Damn if I were president, aside from stopping the war and making everyone make-out with each other all the time, I would make it mandatory that everyone must house one domesticated animal…okay no that wouldn’t be right….but I would spend all our tax money on the environment, animals, old people (I have a huge weakness for old people) research for every disease that is hurting someone and their family, Education (major), and, of course, decorating the White House.
God I sound like a frickin’ hippy….happy D-dawg?

ON THE THEATRE FRONT….and other news…
On the theatre/acting front, I have been failing miserably…. But keeping my chin up! I have been on several auditions and while I did receive a callback for the part of Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, I have yet to actually get cast in anything. Sad! Normally I would have gotten something by now…..but competition is steep! The talent here is amazing! The other day I went to this awesome audition for an all women’s improv troupe and wow these women RAWK! I was in awe of being in their company…. While I didn’t get one of the spots available I hope to someday! Thankfully seeing this talent only inspires me to keep auditioning and to improve my craft.

I’m getting ready for another beautiful summer in Chi-town… aside from taking classes at Improv Olympic, I’m going to seek out another area of interest and take a class….. I’m thinking Spanish, jewelry making or belly-dancing! Aside from that I will be serving the Fish and Chips all summer long, stop on by! Also I hope to learn how to sail, courtesy of a new friend who has a kick-ass sailboat down on the harbor right by my apartment…. I was there the other day and wow, Chicago is just really beautiful…. People ask me often how I like Chicago and I never really seem to have anything great to say… not that I hate it, but it’s not home. It’s not full of my cute family and ultra stylish and oh so generous and loving girlfriends….. so I have been prone to not love it, but if I step back and just look at the city and breath in the air and energy of it all, it’s really something great! If you haven’t spent much time here, then I suggest you come for a visit…..I know the EP Suites certainly does have some availability this summer!

Miss Honey seems to be doing well, although she has been very temperamental lately…I suspect she too is aware of the upcoming dreaded day, June 10….this marks the second year that we are without our beloved Xena. I hate June 10. Two years ago I awoke with psycho allergies (cats will cause this sometimes) and I realized I was out of litter so I drove in the morning to get some litter and I remember I was at a stoplight and I saw a sign on the post: Lost pug. And although I had seen this sign 100 times before it was this particular day I really thought about it…I though how horrible that would be to lose a pet and how lucky I was to have my girls in tact, safe…

Fast forward 1hour and 30 minutes later and Xena was gone in a flash. My body went into dry-heaves, I freaked out. I remember thinking “I will never have children.” I can’t imagine what mothers of missing children must do when their baby goes missing. Obviously my kitty is different than a child, but the emotions of losing Xena were so intense, (I mean hello I still cry about it today) that I just couldn’t imagine losing something that I birthed…. Anyway that summer was a weird one…. I produced my first play, an accomplishment I’m so very proud of, and yet I never really enjoyed any of it, cuz every free moment I had I was combing the neighbor and posting signs …..I must have posted close to 750 signs.
(OH here’s a little info for anyone who loses a pet, Kinko’s will honor free copies for lost dog and cat signs, but you have to ask for it.)

Okay I’m going to bring this back to something a little more chipper!

This summer also marks two other silly things that I’m psyched about, the release of the fifth White Stripes album. Jack White, I love you. And, in July, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory will be in theatres! When I first heard there was going to be a remake of this treasured film I was angry. Why touch such a gem? Why not just develop something new? But then I saw the trailer on Mac-QuickTime (Check it out if you haven’t already) and damn! I’m psyched! Johnny Depp is too cool! I know he’s a weird creepy actor, but I just adore him…… he’s soooo attractive and crazy and good, and engaging….. and he looks just soooo cool in this flick!

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
While writing this blog I decide to go to the White Stripes website to get further details of the upcoming album and what I came upon is HORRID. Upsetting, TERRIBLE, life-altering…..I know now I will forever grow into a hermit with 12 cats. Yesterday, in Brazil, my boyfriend, and the love of my life, Jack White, Gulp, got married!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Condolences, flowers and words of sorrow can be sent to the manager of the EP Suites.)

Today I was going to post a movie quote quiz along with my blog, but alas I cannot. I must end this to go bury myself back in my bed and cry at the loss of Mr. White and dream of the day that he actually meets me and dumps the perfect woman that stole his heart to be with me, instead forever and ever.

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Title photo by Nick Gordon