Friday, April 08, 2005

Name That Movie!

Good Day Readers!

I realize that I haven't fully introduced myself, I say this because of some of the crazy and funny and odd and super nice and super not nice comments I have received. One person asked me to share more about my experiences as an improviser and actress, another berated me for my blog about last November's election. Not familiar? Well I stated that I was going to be basing my vote on a favorite celebrity’s vote. I was poking fun, being hugely sarcastic. This person didn't get the joke.

So there's the first thing about me to know, I'm sarcastic! I can also be really bitchy for the sake of making myself laugh. Without getting all deep to why I'm like this, that's for the therapist, instead, for now, I have decided to share a bit more about my likes and dislikes!

I will start with a like: The cinema! Movies are one of my favorite escapes from Jolene's World, which, let me tell you can get too be really too much. So I give you, my faithful readers, a movie quiz to celebrate this like! See how many you can get correct! Get 'em all and I'll give you a treat!

Following are movies quotes, now...

1. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father now prepare to die.

2. Ah Chloe. Chloe looks like what I'd imagine Meryl Streep's skeleton would look like if you dressed it up, made it smile and be nice to people at a party.

3. So much time, so little to do. Wait, strike that, reverse it.

4. PC load letter? WTF does that mean?

5. Oh I don’t eat shellfish, Mom always said don’t eat anything that carries it's house around with it cuz you never know when the last time it's been cleaned.

6. This is my adopted daughter, Margo

7. Like I give a shit, they all want me as a friend or a f***, I’m worshipped at Westerberg and I’m only a junior.

8. I told you, my mother’s mother’s mother’s great aunt was black, therefore I’m black, color is a state of mind.

9. So you agree, you think you’re really pretty?

10. Oh I think Diamonds are simply divine on women over 40.


Anonymous said...

1. The Princess Bride
2. Fight Club
3. Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
4. Office Space
5. Drop Deag Gorgeous
6. The Royal Tenenbaums
7. Heathers
8. ?
9. Mean Girls
10. ?

Anonymous said...

Wow, way to go Rob! I recognized numbers 1 and 4, but since Jolene/Kim/Cate have recently and so thoroughly introduced me to Mean Girls, I knew that one right away . . .

Anonymous said...

So any ideas on 8 or 10? Those have me stumped.

Jolene Turner said...

Is that Rob-Rob? Emily's Rob? The Rob that Rawked out at the White Stripes with me?


Hints to 8 & 10

8. The movie was told Pulp Fiction style

10. My favorite movie of all time, a classic! Another line from the movie is:

Female: Ooooh but just look at the goodies she brought with her!

Male: Oh the tall devilishly handsome one?

Femail: Oh know, the short pig-faced one! He's one of the richest men under fifty, a girl's got to keep track of these things.....

Jolene Turner said...

I love when I accidentally used the wrong words...... not 'know' it's 'no!' :) Weird slips.

Sometimes, and this one freaks me out, but often actually when I'm writing about a man and I mean to write 'he', instead I write 'it.'

Isn't that the weirdest?

Anonymous said...

Okay, could #8 be Six Degrees of Separation?

Jolene Turner said...

nope, but good movie, play better actually......

Jolene Turner said...
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Anonymous said...

OK, I think #10 is 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' is Emily's Rob. Long time no talk :).

Em and I visited Todd and Eleise in London, and I got your blog address from her blog.

Jolene Turner said...

You got #10!!!!!

and yes long time no I should be a
how are things? what's new? where you livin?
how's my boy Craig?

Anonymous said...

Still living in my condo in the sky, although I spend lots of time at Em's.

Also still working at the same job, and trying to finish the movie we've been working on for the past year and a half.

Craig is doing well. He's continued his acting career (along with various temp jobs), and will actaully be working with Emily in his next show (small Minneapolis theater world).

Here's a link to some pictures Em and I took in Eng-a-land:

How are things with you????

Anonymous said...

Hmm...the link to pictures got cut off. Try this:

Anonymous said...

#8 is 'Go'

Thanks for the hint.

Jolene Turner said...

Your photos are lovely...reminds me of my trip there eons ago...sad sad....say Hello to Emily for me!

How long have you two been together? Are you getting married? How do you like her dogs? I'll be expecting one huge-ass present for hooking you two up! Send it to the EP Suites.....

Anonymous said...

Go?? Prove it.

Anonymous said...

Here's the actual quote from "Go" (I think Jolene was a bit off):

Tiny: Yo, I told you, my mother's mother's mother was black!

Marcus: Your mother's mother's mother, f*** - this ain't "Roots", mutha... Man, I wanna see a picture of this Nubian princess. If you were any less black, you would be clear.

Anonymous said...

hrmm, okay. But I still don't remember this one!

Title photo by Nick Gordon