Wednesday, January 26, 2005

I Graduated and I Have the T-Shirt to Prove It!

Well it's official, I'm a graduate of the Second City Conservatory Program.
After 16 months of good times, bad times, crazy times, learning times, unlearning times, funny times, sunny times, sneaky times, psychotic times...oh I could go on forever, really.... basically I did it...wait I already told you that.

Well anyway vast amounts of candy, congratulatory cards and flowers can now be sent my way as last Monday we performed our final graduation show to a crowd of SNL and MadTV producers, directors and recruits...ah yes I am off to NYC tomorrow...ta-ta Dahlings.....yeah um let me rephrase that to the truth: last Monday we performed our final graduation show to a crowd of highschool kids, diehard improvisers, proud parents and actors friends..... I'm off to nowhere, well except maybe to IO or Annoyance.....

Okay yes you want to know, now what Jolene?
Well actually I've decided to give up on this performing thing, go back to the MN and get a real job! Yeah I know... Oh My God I'm SO Kidding!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Is it a nice t-shirt?

Anonymous said...

I found your blog in a very random and roundabout way, but I'm SO glad I did! I, too, am originally from MN, now living in the Denver area. I moved here after graduating from college in North Dakota. I've done a bit of Improv myself, and would like to know how you've broke into the industry. Did you major in Drama/Theater Arts at some university? What is your personal/professional background? What actors inspire you? In a perfect world, what is your "dream job?" Please tell me/us about how you ended up where you are. I know I personally would appreciate it.

Sounds like you're positively thriving in Chicago. Good for you!

Jolene Turner said...

Hey...I just read this! How cool.....not sure if you'll be reading this or not..... but I'll definitely post something on the blog about it! Your questions are interesting and makes me want to write! But in a nutshell for I didn't major in drama/theatre, funny thing I was just talking about that tonight at work, saying that at the time I thought a major like that would be wasteful, but yet I'm doing nothing too great with my communications I wished I had majored in theatre!

I decided to go into improv and theatre about two years after college...I was so bored with myself and didn't like my job and was needing to do something and I had always taken acting classes for fun, so I signed up for an improv class at the Brave New Institue in Minneapolis....everything just snow-balled from there. I met actors who encouraged me to start auditioning and so forth... it's been an amazing ride and improv is intense in the sense that it really makes you look at yourself differently, does that make sense? Okay must start writing a new post about this! More later... thanks for the comment! I appreciate it. Hope Denver is treating you beautifully!

Title photo by Nick Gordon