In the middle, beautiful Kim, following her dreams, getting cultured, and living the life she should be living in Minneapolis, the BEST city in the world! Miss. Kim is smart, funny, patient and full of complete glamour and style...this girl superbly managed a fab Irish pub in the city, but knew when to leave to get more of what she deserves! And on the right, gorgeous E, studying Chinese Studies as her Masters in London! The sweetest, most kind and calming woman I know. Educated, smart and most importantly a truly strong spirit, inspiring to me and probably most everyone she meets!

Ooooh wedding bliss! The bride is beautiful Meagan, the happiest woman I have ever encountered! Can’t you tell from her smile?! Meagan, newly married is following her dreams of acting in Hollywood! Now living in L.A. with her sweet hubby, Rick, Meagan is a treasured friend to have! And on the left is the FAB Maid of Honor and my dear friend Kristin. A wonderfully emotional being, Kristin points out the cynicism while always coming off endearingly loving. The most loyal woman, she will fight for you to the end. Darling Kristin is living in St. Paul, Minn., running a Twin Cities theatre company, acting, and taking care of a new feline friend, as well as a crazy, yet sweet boyfriend!

Cater-TOT! This pic was probably taken at a bar-stop after a showing of an amazing play about vampires. Cate is happily married, cheery and lovingly raising her two pups! No other girl deserves to have two devoted pups, as Miss. Cate is too good a girl to not make them feel special. Cate and I don’t talk as often as we used to, but that doesn’t mean she is not still in my thoughts. This girl has a way to make you spew coke through your nose and feel a warm fuzzy in your heart, all at the same time!

Oh Miss Alyssa, Oh um, I mean Carrie! Tee-hee...C challenges me so....I could talk for hours about the craziest stuff with this lady. Miss. C, aka Alyssa, is working in downtown Minneapolis for a top ad agency and dedicating her time to those she loves. Alyssa is brave, independent, inspiring and so hip!!!! Oh yes and fiercely kind, no other woman understood me more when it came to....

Princess Xena, on the left. I will NEVER forget you, neither will Miss. Honey (on the right.) Xena trusted me with her life. She was a timid one when she came to become my girl, but we soon became attached. She licked my armpits, snuggled on my lap, told me, in her special way, 'thank you.' Wherever you are Xena, I miss you, we miss you, we love and I am forever sorry.